Friday, June 06, 2008


The silence at night is deafening.
Seems sometimes that the walls do talk back.

Her clothes just lie there.
Once filled with life.
Now neatly folded it lies.
Still. Lifeless.

Still, I keep to my side of the bed,
reaching out to you in the midst of nite.
But you're not there.

Its confusing.
But you were just there!

The fridge and kitchen.
Empty it remains too.
What use is it for me?
It was your sanctuary for food.
Your Lemon Drizzle and Tiramisu, do I miss...
But it is you, that I miss.
Humanly indescribable, such pain.
Oh, if only I could be void of emotion...

"Grief is not a problem to be cured, its a statement. A statement that you love somebody." Barbara Baumgardner in "A Passage Through Grief"

"Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy"
Psalms 126:5

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