Friday, September 08, 2006

Jesus Is Your Way

"Experiencing God" by Henry Blackaby been one of the cornerstone Christian books I hold dearly to and is worth reading over and over again. The book shows you how to deepen your relationship with Him and that God reveals Himself to each of us in special and exceptional ways. The following is a transcript from p.33-34:

Often people approach knowing and doing God's will this way: They ask,"Lord, what do you want me to do? When do You want me to do it? How shall I do it? Where shall I do it? What will the outcome be?"

Isn't this response most typical of us? We are always asking God for a detailed "road map." We say,"Lord, if You could just tell me where I am heading, then I will be able to set my course and go."

He says,"You don't need to. What you need to do is follow Me one day at a time." We need to come to the place where our response to God will be:"Lord, just tell me what to do one step at a time, and I will do it."

Who is the one who really knows the way for you to fulfill God's purpose for your life? God is! Jesus said,"I am the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6)
  • He did not say,"I will show you the way."
  • He did not say,"I will give you a road map."
  • He did not say,"I will tell you which direction to head."
  • He said,"I am the way." Jesus knows the way, he is your way.

If you were to do everything one day at a time, you always would be right in the center of where God wants you to be. Can you trust God to guide you that way? You might say,"No, Jesus does not really know God's will for my life." But He does! Jesus is God. You might say,"No, Jesus might mislead me and take me the wrong way." But He won't. You might think that Jesus would rather you wait until He tells you all the details before you follow Him. But that is not the pattern we see in His life or in the Scriptures.

God would be more interested in your responding to Him this way:"Yes, if I follow Jesus one day at a time, I will be right in the center of Your will for my life." When you get to the place where you trust Jesus to guide you one step at a time, you experience a new freedom. If you don't trust Jesus to guide you this way, what happens if you don't know the way to go? You worry every time you must make a turn. You often freeze up and cannot make a decision. This is not the way God intends for you to live your life.

Likewise, I have found that this statement holds true for me. When you release your life to Him, you become the center of His will and hear His heartbeat even better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This entry was very enlightening for me. Someone just asked me what I would do if I could ask God one question. I said that I would ask him what His purpose for me was. What did He want me to do? I guess I'm constantly asking God for a road map. Thanks for giving me a different perspective.