Wednesday, October 04, 2006

In NUH Till Tomorrow

We were awaiting a call from our NUH Onco for the next appointment and suddenly I got it at noon today. Dr Goh asked if Jo could come in this evening for the Hepatic Angiogram (think I spelt it right?) test to see if she would be suitable for the Internal Radiotherapy Treatment (IRT).

I rushed back by 4.30pm and whisked her off to NUH. We got all the admin paperwork done and we thank God for the wonderful nurses and staff at the NUH Cancer Institute.

We checked in at 8pm and right now I've rushed back to bathe and grab some other stuff for tonite's stayover. Well, they got ESPN, HBO and whole bunch of other channels.

So what is the Hepatic Angiogram procedure?

An angiogram is an X-ray test that uses fluoroscopy to take pictures of the blood flow within an artery (such as the aorta) or a vein (such as the vena cava). General angiogram can be used to evaluate the arteries or veins in the arms, legs, chest, or abdomen. Special angiogram tests can look at the arteries near the heart (coronary angiogram), lungs (pulmonary angiogram), brain (cerebral angiogram), and aorta (aortogram).

During an angiogram, a thin flexible tube called a catheter is placed into the
femoral blood vessel (femoral artery) in the groin or just above the elbow (brachial artery) and guided to the area to be studied. Then a dye (contrast material) that contains iodine is injected into the vessel to make it more visible on the X-ray pictures. This method is known as conventional or catheter angiogram. The angiogram pictures can be produced on regular X-ray films or stored as digital images in a computer.

In Jo's case doc said the procedure should be about 30mins long.

Prayer Items
- Appreciate your covering prayer for the 30min procedure tomorrow morning/afternoon. Not confirmed at this time
- Pray for Jo for calmness of heart. She will be on local anasthesia only and will be awake throughout.
- Pray that the results hold good for her to proceed with the IRT.

Thank you all!

Got to rush back to the ward before they shut me out! :)

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