Friday, April 06, 2007

Updates - April 6

The reality about Jo's condition at this point isn't good.

I forgot to mention that she's been vomiting nightly since Monday. She's not been eating well at all. She can't digest solids too well and so we've got her to take Ensure to gain as much bulk for this treatment.

Tonite she vomited again.
She took 2 spoonfuls of porridge (from Crystal Jade) and then set back to rest. Another sip of Ensure and she was already beginning to feel nauseas again.

She's on morphine daily to alleviate any pain.

Her stomach is constantly bloated.

Fever is manageable.

Her bruises are recovering.

The next few days will be critical as we decide whether to ward her in the hospital to ensure
she gets dripped at least.

I ask God only to lead me to do the right thing during this time. I ask for His wisdom, his strength and courage.

Again my dear fellow brothers & sisters out there and even to those whom I don't personally know - I thank you for your prayer support for us.

As LB Cowman says "Prayer is the link that connects us with God. It is the bridge that spans every gulf and carries us safely over every chasm of danger or need." He goes on to mention that we should be careful in limiting God by our unbelief or by thinking we know exactly what He can do. We need to learn to expect the unexpected, beyond all that you ask or think.

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